Monthly Archives: March 2011

How to find public key token for a .NET DLL or assembly

I had to find the public key token for a strongly named assembly in .NET. Searching for a solution, I came along Wriju’s Blog. It appears the answer is very simple: use the .NET Framework tool ‘sn.exe’. Since I do not want to forget about this one, here it is:

  1. Open the Visual Studio <version reflecting DLL creator/signer> Command Prompt
  2. Point to the dll’s folder you want to get the public key
  3. Use the following command: sn –T myDLL.dll

This will give you the public key token. Of course this only works if the assembly is strongly signed :) .

Semantic versioning – the way you should do it

It seems everyone I meet is struggling with software versioning. Although it should be fairly easy to deliver consistently versioned software, it almost always appears to be ‘nearly perfect’. And just that ‘nearly’ part makes it crappy and unreliable. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel ;) : here is a great post about semantic versioning – the way you should do it: