Category Archives: tip

How to detect installed CLR versions and how they are used…

It has been a while since I posted anything on my blog. Sorry for keeping you on hold ;) ! I think the blog will be filled with some information shortly, since I am still overthinking all the great stuff I saw on Tech-Ed North America a couple of weeks ago (first I had to overcome the jetlag, then the weather in The Netherlands, etc. etc. :) ). Enough nonsense for now!

While attending a session by Scott Hanselman on everything new in .NET 4.0 he showed a wonderful small tip, not only useful for the few of us already working on Visual Studio 2010: when working in the VS.NET Command Prompt, there is a small but useful command called ‘CLRVER’. It shows all .NET versions installed on your computer. Also, as an addition to this command, you can show active runtime processes using the -all switch. Nice piece of code! Enjoy!

TFS command line (tf.exe)

Now and then in my life as a lead developer/architect, I have to cope with TFS the ‘hard’ way: the user interface is not always as complete as one would want it to be. One of the greatest tools Microsoft has delivered us is tf.exe, a command line tool to do almost everything impossible with the user interface. However, tf.exe comes with one big draw-back. It does not offer a complete help. Just minutes ago I discovered the documentation I need at one Microsoft guy’s (Noah Coad’s) blog (
Just to be sure the help will never disappear, I printed the entire help file below, as well as did I include the help documents as text files.
I hope this helps you too.
tfhelp.txt (120 characters)
tfhelp.txt (80 characters)


Add        tf add itemspec [lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/type:filetype]

              [/noprompt] [/recursive]

Branch     tf branch olditem newitem [/version:versionspec] [/noget] [/lock]

              [/noprompt] [/recursive]

Branches   tf branches [/s:servername] itemspec

Changeset  tf changeset [/comment:comment|@commentfile] /s:servername

              [/notes:("NoteFieldName"="NoteFieldValue"|@notefile)] [/noprompt]


Checkin    tf checkin [/author:authorname] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]


              [/notes:("Note Name"="note text"|@notefile)]

              [/override:reason|@reason] [/recursive] filespec …]

Checkout   tf checkout|edit [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive]

              [/type:encoding] itemspec

Configure  tf configure pathtoproject /server:servername

Delete     tf delete [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive] itemspec

Difference tf difference itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/type:filetype]

              [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace]

              [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]

           tf difference itemspec itemspec2 [/type:filetype]

              [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol]

              [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]

           tf difference [/shelveset:[shelvesetowner;]shelvesetname]

              shelveset_itemspec [/server:serverURL]

              [/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace]

              [/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]

           tf difference /configure

Dir        tf dir [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive]

              [/folders] [/deleted]

Get        tf get itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/all] [/overwrite] [/force]

              [/preview] [/recursive] [/noprompt]

Help       tf help commandname

History    tf history [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec]

              [/stopafter:number] [/recursive]

              [/user:username] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/slotmode]

Label      tf label [/s:servername]  labelname@scope [/owner:ownername]

              itemspec [/version:versionspec]

              [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)] [/child:(replace|merge)]


           tf label [/s:servername] [/delete] labelname@scope

              [/owner:ownername] itemspec [/version:versionspec]


Labels     tf labels [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]

              [/s:servername] [labelname]

Lock       tf lock itemspec /lock:(none|checkout|checkin)

              [/workspace:workspacename] [/server:serverURL] [/recursive]


Merge      tf merge  [/recursive] [/force] [/candidate] [/discard]


              [/lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/preview] [/baseless] [/nosummary]

              source destination

Merges     tf merges [/s:servername] destination [/recursive]

Permission tf permission [/allow:(* |perm1[,perm2,…]]


              [/remove:(* |perm1[,perm2,...])]

              [/inherit:yes|no] [/user:username1[,username2,…]] [/recursive]


              [/server:servername] itemspec

Properties tf properties [/recursive] itemspec

Rename     tf rename [/lock:(none|checkout|checkin)] olditem newitem

Resolve    tf resolve itemspec [auto:(AcceptMerge|AcceptTheirs|AcceptYours)]


              [(/overridetype:overridetype | /converttotype:converttype)]


Shelve     tf shelve [/move] [/replace] [/comment:(@commentfile|"comment")]

              [/recursive] shelvesetname[;owner] filespec

           tf shelve /delete [/server:serverURL] shelvesetname[;owner]

Shelvesets tf shelvesets [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]

              [/server:serverURL] shelvesetname

Status     tf status itemspec [/s:servername]

              ([/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]] |


              [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive] [/user:(*|username)]

Undelete   tf undelete [/noget] [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)]

              [/newname:name] [/recursive] itemspec[;deletionID]

Undo       tf undo [/workspace:workspacename   [;workspaceowner]]

              [/s:servername] [/recursive] itemspec

Unlabel    tf unlabel [/s:servername] [/recursive] labelname itemspec

Unshelve   tf unshelve [/move] [shelvesetname[;username]] itemspec

View       tf view [/s:servername] [/console] [/noprompt] itemspec


WorkFold   tf workfold localfolder

           tf workfold [/workspace: workspacename]

           tf workfold [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]


           tf workfold [/map] [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]


           tf workfold /unmap [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]

              [/recursive] (repositoryfolder|localfolder)

           tf workfold /cloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder)

              [/workspace: workspacename] [/s:servername]

           tf workfold /decloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder)

              [/workspace:workspacename] [/s:servername]

Workspace  tf workspace /new [/noprompt]


              [/computer:computername] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]


           tf workspace /delete [/s:servername]


           tf workspace [/s:servername] [/comment:comment]

              [/newname:workspacename] workspacename[;workspaceowner]

Workspaces tf workspaces [/owner:ownername] [/computer:computername]

              [/s:servername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]


              [/updateComputerName:oldcomputername] workspacename



  Can contain wildcards *, ? and #

  Can contain relative path parts . and ..

  Can reference file system or UNC paths mapped to a workspace or server

  paths (which start with $/). You can usually specify more than one

  file separated by spaces for an itemspec (useful for edit, add, delete




  Date/Time         Dmm/dd/yyyy

  Changeset number  Cnnnnnn

  Label             Llabelname

  Latest version    T

  Workspace         Wworkspacename;workspaceowner



  /changeset  /G     /noprompt   /I

  /comment    /C     /owner      /O

  /computer   /M     /recursive  /R

  /delete     /D     /server     /S

  /force      /P     /slotmode   /X

  /format     /F     /template   /T

  /help       /?,/H  /user       /U

  /lock       /K     /version    /V

  /login      /Y     /workplace  /W

  /newname    /N    

Windows Explorer from Visual Studio

Windows Explorer is one of my favorites, especially when coding (in Visual Studio). I often navigate to the file, folder, or project I’m currently working on. Clicking “Windows Explorer” in the Tools menu would be helpful if we could manage to get it there… and ‘yes we can!’.

Go to Tools -> External Tools… -> Add.

In the screen you are presented with, enter:

Title: Windows Explorer
Command: explorer.exe
Arguments: /select,”$(ItemPath)”
Leave Initial directoy blank

Click OK. When you click Tools -> Windows Explorer, the explorer will open with the selection on the current file you are editing in Visual Studio.